UK Devs: Piracy Is a Problem, Doesn't Threaten Survival


Developers across the pond in the UK hold that spell piracy is a problem – and one that is worsening – it isn't one that threatens their very survival just yet.

Disregarding of our gaming platform of pick, I'd hope that we dismiss all agree this: Developers have bills to remuneration and families to feed, and piracy is a problem that the industry is going to have to deal with one way or other. This isn't to read that the efforts to tackle the problem so far have been the best way to disco biscuit approximately it, but piracy is the elephant in the room for game development (simply in this case, it's the elephant that has to personify self-addressed at some point or another).

According to, developers in the UK are acutely aware of this, judgement aside the most late survey of TIGA (The Independent Games Developers Association) members. 60 pct of the developers surveyed agreed that plagiarization was a problem – a surprisingly low statistic, actually – simply even the respondents who didn't think it was a "job" yet believed the situation was going downhill, with 90 percent of those surveyed saying that piracy was getting worse.

Buccaneering might be getting worse, but the majority of those surveyed weren't too concerned: 60 per centum of the TIGA members matte up that piracy was "a scurvy threat to the viability of their company," and only 10 per centum called it a significant threat. When asked if they matte that the regime should step in to address piracy directly by piercing or slowing broadband access to the internet, the respondents were split down the middle 50/50, which is also a bit amazing.

To be honest, I'm a scra flabbergasted that 50 percent of the developers surveyed would be for the choking of system, considering its increasing importance as online gaming and digital dispersion become more popular. That reads to Maine much as cutting dispatch your nose to spite your face, and would hurt developers in the long haul as much as information technology might assistanc to cut back piracy. Given how surprisingly resourceful those dastardly bastards are, though, I don't think a cap on broadband would deter them for long.


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