Future Fight Easy Ways to Get Energy

Energy is a resource required to play most gameplay content.


  • When your energy is under max, it will restore at 1 energy per 5 minutes. At the max of 120, it will take 10 hours to fully restore.
  • As and when:
    • Dispatch Missions: Random amounts when you Acquire
  • Daily:
    • Up to 120  Energy (depends on Max Energy) in Recharge Shop; 24 hour cooldown can be decreased with higher VIP levels
    • 100 Energy, 5 times a day for 150 Crystals each
    • 85+ Energy by completely 5 Daily Challenges
    • Daily Alliance Challenge for 30 Energy
    • Correctly answer 5 Daily Trivia questions for 50 Energy
    • 25 Energy per 500 Assemble Points, 3 times a day
    • 25 Energy per 16 Alliance Tokens, 3 times a day
  • Weekly:
    • Complete 6 Daily Challenges for 55 Energy and 24 for 100
    • Weekly Alliance Challenge for 50 Energy
  • Other:
    • 100 Energy each on the 4th, 11th, 20th and 26th day of the Monthly Check-In
    • Various amounts on other Check-Ins, when available
    • Various amounts in Token Shops when available
    • One-off amounts for overall Daily Missions completed, eg. if you complete a total of 300 stages you can obtain 210 Energy


  • Dark Dimension 3x 8: 24
  • Memory Mission 3x 8: 24
  • Veiled Mission 4x 4 : 16
  • Mutual Enemy 2x 4: 8
  • Daily Mission 2x 6: 12
  • Special Mission 20x 5: 100
  • Dimension Rift 30x 9: 270
  • Total: 545
  • Dispatch Mission: Unlimited x4

Veteran Energy Non-Management

Eventually you'll reach a point where you can drop the Strategy described in the following section. It'll be approximately when all 10 Dispatch Stages are generating energy for you and you're no longer running things like Cyclops (etc) bio farming missions. At that point, the energy generated by keeping it below your maximum and by using the Free Energy Recharge aren't as significant as they were because even without them your energy total will probably continue to grow, only being pegged back occasionally by things like Epic Quests.


This section is written from the perspective of waking up around 2 to 5 hours before each MFF day end. Though it covers the important principles, adjustments may need to be made if your sleeping patterns differ much.

The Importance of Energy Management

Time was Energy management wasn't a big deal. You always had more than you needed and energy could not be translated automatically into much in the way of useful rewards (Story Mode, World Boss Invasion and Giant Boss Raid being manual). However, the advent of Dispatch Missions now means that you can burn all your spare energy on meaningful rewards without needing to play manually. This means that Energy management is now important to your progress.

Energy Management

The key to managing your energy is in the fact that it restores only when it's under your max. The obvious strategy is to burn energy as fast as you get it, and only pick up large amounts of energy when you can quickly return your energy total to below maximum. If you can manage this then that's good. In theory you'll be able to gain 288 free energy per day. However, few players will have the time to keep that up throughout the day.

Alternative Methods

Marvel Future Fight Day End Method

This is another approach, which will also cover some generic aspects of energy management: If you restrain yourself from taking energy until near the MFF end of day (how near is up to your own analysis of your own ability to stay focused and avoid RL distracting you, which can result in the loss of much of the day's supply), you can maximize the amount of time that it is restoring for free. You won't be able to get all 288 because at some point you'll want to take the other sources of energy, but you won't lose too much.

One of the main energy sources we have is Energy Charge. In order to take it, you will need to get your energy to below maximum, because of that, as the MFF end of day is approaching, you should generally take it first, and up to a point it's definitely worth burning some just for bios (how is mentioned below) to get below max, at the very least they'll be very cheap bios.

As well as leaving energy unclaimed until near the end of the day, the activities which can quickest get your energy back to below your maximum should be prioritized first each day, Boost points allowing, which also means that Boost point management can't really be separated from this. Dimension Missions are a major energy sink each day. They can be faster than Story Mode missions (though mileage will vary depending on the day's DM and your roster) and they can generally be run on Autoplay (though again mileage may vary) or simply cleared using tickets, but they require Boost points, which also restore over time.

  • Warning: Another tempting and relatively quick way to burn points is Giant Boss Raid. However, the impact of doing a Giant Boss Raid on your Boost points is severe. Early in the MFF day you can easily have 400+ or even 700+ energy. At this point running a GBR will effectively slow down your use of Energy (and thus increase the delay before you are gaining free energy) because running GBR without tripling the rewards would be ridiculously inefficient, and then you've spent 70 Boost points and only 25 Energy.

The following approach could be suitable at each MFF start of day:

  1. Check whether you want to reroll for Dimension Mission support bios.
  2. Run Dimension Mission until you're out of Boost points.
  3. Story Mode Missions. Stop before your Boost points are maxed.
  4. Finish your daily Dimension Mission missions.
  5. Do other daily missions to farm bios, particularly Deluxe Epic Missions. Danger Room can also be used at this point, and of course more Story Mode missions.
  6. Only once you are with 20 points of being below maximum Energy or are already below it, let Boost Points restore to at least 70 (Though you could put Boost Points into a chance to get CTP's and save energy on GBR, Boost points are better spent on Dimension Mission which benefits from having Boost points over 100, unlike GBR). Then run Giant Boss Raid and burn those Boost points to get multiple rewards (the strange interface in the top left section of the screen; don't miss it) without further runs, which would cost another 25 energy each.

A certain amount of planning can help a bit regarding Dispatch Missions and the new game day:

  • The trick here is to put off as much Dispatch Mission accumulation until after you've used the full recharge as you can. Check how long each Dispatch mission can run for without maxing out and then acquire it just after that many hours before the day end. That way you won't have to acquire your Dispatch missions at the last minute.
Time Zone Your Night MFF Day End Dispatch Mission Period Approximate Time to Acquire Accumulation Delayed
EST 00:00 – 08:00 11:00 12 hours 23:05 Almost all of it
EST 00:00 – 08:00 11:00 8 hours 08:00 3 hours of it
EST 00:00 – 08:00 11:00 3 hours 08:05 Almost 3 hours of it
PST 23:30 – 07:30 08:00 12 hours 20:05 Almost all of it
PST 23:30 – 07:30 08:00 8 hours 07:30 Barely any of it
PST 23:30 – 07:30 08:00 3 hours 07:30 Barely any of it
GMT 00:00 – 08:00 15:00 12 hours 08:00 7 hours of it
GMT 00:00 – 08:00 15:00 8 hours 08:00 7 hours of it
GMT 00:00 – 08:00 15:00 3 hours 12:05 Almost 3 hours of it

As your night approaches:

  • If you're at more than three times your maximum energy, you might not want to burn the energy that will restore overnight and that you can then almost double for free in the shop (via Energy Charge). Similarly, if you no longer need random bios, then the option below is of little use to you.
  • Otherwise burn enough energy so that it will be restoring all night. If none of the above are left and time is an issue, I recommend Story—Dimensional Clash Alternate Mode—Normal—7-3 Order Out of Chaos, as it can be completed in just a few clicks with any suitably strong team (e.g. Mystique lead with Shuri and Taskmaster or Sentry lead with Nick Fury and Phil Coulson); can be 2 clicks for the actual fight (and the Story - Alternate Mode Animation can be disabled in Options to eliminate the chat). If you have more time then Dimensional Clash Campaign returns 50% more bios for your energy.

Night Method

Dispatch Missions run for energy have significant rewards. Change the setting that stops repetition on low boost points. Then before you go to bed take as much energy as seems prudent given that you don't want to pauper yourself for the new day, then kick off the highest level of Dispatch Mission that you can beat on autoplay (don't forget to set the right team) to run through the night. However, it's not that simple, as we can optimize it considerably:

Optimal Night Strategy
  • Use the slowest team that can reliably do the mission inside the 3 minute timer. If you pick a fast team then you'll run out of energy quicker and repetition will stop, but if you slow it down your energy will have longer to build up between when it dips below your maximum energy and when you run out. Here's some example math to demonstrate how big a difference this can make: Suppose your fast team takes 2 minutes (including the time when the timer isn't running, about 20s). Then you're using energy at 6 (per run) / 2 (minutes) - 1 / 5 (minutes to restore) = 2.8 energy per minute. If your energy cap is 120 you'll get (120/2.8 = 42.86) 42 runs once you pass your cap. However, if you pick a team that takes 2.5 minutes: 6/2.5-1/5=2.2 and 120/2.2 = 54.6, so you'll get an additional 12 runs overnight.

More Important Things Than Energy

Note that this shouldn't change some other reasons you'll do things in particular orders. The obvious example is don't mess up the order of Heroic Quest missions just for a few points of free energy. Also don't leave Dispatch Missions that have maxed out un-Aquired just for a few points of free energy.


Source: https://future-fight.fandom.com/wiki/Energy

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